Case Studies.

Procurement and IT Leaders discover millions in savings and operational gains

Read case studies of industry leaders in technology, healthcare, financial services, government, higher education and other sectors who have replaced Microsoft Premier/Unified Support with US Cloud. US Cloud supports hundreds of Microsoft-centric enterprises and millions of end-users around the globe. Discover how CFOs are saving millions and CIOs are streamlining IT operations. See for yourself how other Procurement and IT leaders have unlocked better support and bigger savings with US Cloud.

Case studies at US Cloud
Ryan Holcomb
Information and Technology Services Utilities
So, we knocked it out together and it worked perfectly
I just had a case the other day. I turned off a server that we all thought wasn’t doing anything, and it had a small role that got missed. Unfortunately, it wasn't something that was easy for me to recreate and, there was a little bit of documentation, but it was woefully out of date. So I called you guys... I get another call back 20 minutes later from US Cloud with an idea they want to test. Then, less than an hour later, I got a call saying that it's all successful. They've tested it. Everything's good. So, we knocked it out together and it worked perfectly. Six hours later, I got a call from Microsoft.
- Ryan H
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Ed Lewis
Windows Server
Hospital and Health Care
It’s amazing how fast you guys respond
Sometimes we submit tickets that aren’t even incident related, we just have a question that we want to talk through with someone and your team is always there to offer advice and help right away. We, we leverage you guys, not just for when something's on fire. We truly see US Cloud as a partner.
- Ed L
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Bob Love
Financial Services Information and Technology Services
I just felt like, wow, that was amazing
And within an hour, within an hour, US Cloud responded with, I wanna say, 4 engineers. So not only did they bring the right guys to the call, but they brought the cavalry. And it was great because we needed that diversity because it was unique problem... And I just felt like, wow, that was amazing. That was unlike anything I had experienced with Microsoft in my eight years of being with premiere, so I was like…we made the right choice.
- Bob L
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Kristin Mondi Ed Panzeter
Dynamics CRM
Hospital and Health Care
A big part of us being successful in moving to US Cloud
I think our experience [with US Cloud] is much more positive than any experience we've ever had with Microsoft, and I think that's one of the reasons that we were successful in this change. It's a big pill to swallow for an organization, especially a large organization, to step away from first party support. A big part of us being successful in moving to US Cloud was that responsiveness.
- Ed P
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John Heartlein
Higher Education
Microsoft burned hours
There were times with Microsoft where we've burned 15 hours and have nothing to show for it. Some tickets are more complex, so they do take time. But I just really feel like US Cloud is focused on delivering value.
- John H
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Jeff Maxfield
Hospital and Health Care
How great it was to feel like somebody was putting me first
They [Microsoft] were all about contracts, all about money, all about getting paid. They were not about taking care of me. They were not about making sure that my patients weren’t impacted... So, we decided to move on. And we made it very clear when we signed on with US Cloud that this was our number one priority... I can’t tell you how great it was to feel like somebody was putting me first.
- Jeff M
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Chuck Rust Jacob Hunkeler
Hospital and Health Care
Somebody that actually knows the system that we're having issues on responds.
In the past, when we had to reach out to Microsoft, we would get Tier 1 support. Somebody that really didn't know any of the systems. Whereas, with US Cloud, somebody that actually knows the system that we're having issues on responds, instead of us having to go through their hierarchy. We just get the professional.
- Jacob H
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M365 - Defender
Information and Technology Services Other
The number one thing is having a TAM
But for us, the number one thing is having a TAM that you can reach out to anytime. That has been super helpful. Microsoft got rid of that for those that don’t want to pay a lot of money. Having that TAM has been super helpful with US Cloud.
- Kim B
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Other Non-Microsoft
I was the one who stuck my hand up
I was the one who stuck my hand up and said, ‘hey, maybe we should try this’ because for me nothing ventured, nothing gained, and it sends a message to these big companies [Microsoft] that we’re not gonna put up with it.
- Wendy H
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